Various – Los Angeles Free Music Society -1974~1983+
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Label: Vinyl-on-demand – VOD171
Format: 13 x Vinyl, LP, Vinyl, 7", 33 ⅓ RPM
Box Set, Compilation, Deluxe Edition, Numbered
Country: Germany
Released: Jul 2021
Genre: Electronic, Rock, Non-Music, Folk, World, & Country
Style: Experimental, Folk Rock, Abstract, Noise, Spoken Word, Avantgarde, New Wave, Art Rock, Industrial, Sound Collage
MAMMOTH, close-to-unbelievable 13LP boxset documenting the sprawling works of the Lost Angeles Free Music Society. Collected early works and previously unheard material from one of the most liberated and important outports of underground experimental music in America. (NM/NM - complete but missing t-shirt, with inserts - top copy)
Magic Beans
A1 Chip Chapman– Waterfall Music
A2 Chip Chapman– Music For Gamelan And Synthesizer
A3 Chip Chapman– Getting Ahead
A4 Chip Chapman– Orbit
A5 Chip Chapman– The Original Painting Of The Roses Red
A6 Chip Chapman– The Original Japanese Super Heroes
B1 Chip Chapman– Magic Beans
B2 Chip Chapman– Beep Beep
B3 Chip Chapman– Boing Bang Plunk Zap
B4 Chip Chapman– Suburban Magic
B5 Chip Chapman– Baroque Again
B6 Chip Chapman– Stockyards
B7 Chip Chapman– Gregorian Chance
B8 Chip Chapman– Guitars Gently Sleeping
B9 Chip Chapman– Gamelan Tune
B10 Chip Chapman– Tomato Paste
B11 Chip Chapman– Bongo Ducks Birthday Party
Godzilla's Mystery Abortion
C1 Seldom Melodic Ensemble– Radioactive War Bonnet
C2 Seldom Melodic Ensemble– Auto Earotic Music
C3 Seldom Melodic Ensemble– We're Just Checking The Sound
C4 Seldom Melodic Ensemble– Andy The Pandemanian
C5 Seldom Melodic Ensemble– Microphobia
C6 Seldom Melodic Ensemble– Marylin Uncovers The Abortion (At Last)
D1 Seldom Melodic Ensemble– 16256-Z (The Teenage Plate)
D2 Seldom Melodic Ensemble– Mojave
Dennis Duck Goes Disco
E1 Dennis Duck– Intro
E2 Dennis Duck– Do The Fence
E3 Dennis Duck– 4xie
E4 Dennis Duck– Nice Shave
E5 Dennis Duck– French Numbers
E6 Dennis Duck– Chatter-Walk
E7 Dennis Duck– Miracle Zone
E8 Dennis Duck– One O'Clock Jump
E9 Dennis Duck– Jingle
E10 Dennis Duck– Outro
F1 Dennis Duck– Tom Speaks
F2 Dennis Duck– The Pants Story
F3 Dennis Duck– All Skate
F4 Dennis Duck– Fan Club
F5 Dennis Duck– Bediboop
F6 Dennis Duck– Return Of The Son Of Kontiki (edit)
Light Bulb Magazine #3 The Christmas Cassette
G1 Cal Tech Glee Club– Welcome Little Emmanuel
G2 Rick Potts– Ding Dong Christmastime
G3 Daniel Weiss*– NY Contribution To The Audio Magazine
G4 Fredrik Nilsen– Starving For Love In 1977
G5 Billy Blake Interpreted By Le Forte Four– The Piper
G6 Smegma With Waterwoman Amy DeWolfe*, Foon*– Sagging Stars
G7 Patients* With Jay Stein, Chip Chapman, Rick Potts, Dan Weiss– Dreidle, Dreidle, Dreidle
H1 Joe Potts / Vetza– Wishing You A Merry Christmas
H2 Doo-Dooettes With Tom Recchion And Dennis Duck– Untitled
H3 Dr. ID– Keywords To A Frog
H4 Ace=1*– Examining Upstart Art: (Light Bulb)
H5 The Child Molesters– Muscle Beach Party
H6 Ju Suk Reet Meate– Oh Walt
H7 Half Japanese*– Just Give Me What I Want
H8 Rick Potts– Santa’s Assasins
H9 Dennis Duck– All I Want
H10 The Spudbud*– Betty Moons It
H11 C. Ritz*– Organ & Discard Organ
H12 BDR Ensemble Submitted By Tom Recchion– Station Event Excerpt: Telephone Visitor
H13 Mr. Foon– Jingle Bells Relief
H14 Mark Watt– Stud Santa Mistletoe
H15 Mr. Foon– The Flabby Foursome Wish You A Merry Christmas
H16 Tom Recchion– Unlikely Couple
The Singles+
I1 Joe Potts– Airway Side A
I2 Joe Potts– Airway Side B
I3 Slimy Adenoid And The Pablums– The Residents
I4 Joe Potts– Mother/Daughter
I5 The Pablums– Under My Gums
I6 Joe Potts– Hungry Hungry
J1 Airway– Live Cassette Single 1977
J2 Dinosaurs With Horns– Carney Cassette Single 1986
J3 Dinosaurs With Horns– Mergatroid Cassette Single 1986
J4 Jad* & Tom*– The Blob Comes To Town
J5 Friendship Pagoda (2)– Handicapped Samba
J6 Le Forte Four– Indian Boy (Live)
Light Bulb Magazine #4 - The Emergency Cassette
K1 Tom Recchion And The Friends Of Leslie– I Walk Through Walls
K2 Monique*– Bathroom
K3 Jad Fair– Kristy
K4 Doug Snyder– Imaginary Descenders
K5 Creatures' Lives– Freedom Like A Burning Wall
K6 Smegma– #2
K7 Peepland– Mark Stuber
K8 Lunchmen*– The Rock With Three Eyes
K9 John Duncan– LBMA
K10 International Language– Angels
K11 Duba/Sansome– Limbo Sock
K12 30 Windswept Dimes– Nestor’s Carbuncles
L1 Decayes*– Dance Hall
L2 45 Grave– Bobby
L3 ½ Bodied Baby– The Bullfrog
L4 Human Hands– She Eats Bugs
L5 Neef– Gondwanaland
L6 Glo-Bin Tree Flip*– No Title
L7 Bachelors Even– Tes Lolos Tremolos
L8 Rick Potts– Draw Spunky
L9 Bridge (5)– Countdown
L10 Fragile Hats– Suddenly...
L11 Fredrik Nilsen– Our First Date
M1 Jes Grew– Another Chance To Lose
M2 Bpeople– Give Up
M3 Phranc– I Like Life
M4 Asmus Tietchens– Club Of Rome
M5 Them Rhythm Ants– 50 Opinions On Death
M6 Tiny Holes– Billy
M7 Random Samples– Random Samples
M8 Flap (2)– Pablo Kwell
M9 Ø Tela Conversion– Take Possession
M10 Meat Puppets– Meat Puppets
M11 Doo-Dooettes– That Moment
M12 Pep Lester– It’s No Fair
M13 Bridge (5)– Untitled
M14 Cameron Hands Penis Envy– Room With A View
N1 Dennis Duck– Dogs Don’t Drive
N2 Brent Wilcox– Santa Fe Dub
N3 Planet Z– Jungle Rot
N4 Arrow Book Club– Morris Time For Dinner
N5 Bruce Licher– Compositions For Computer #1
N6 Slimy Adenoid & Pablums*– Twist And Squirm
N7 Rick Potts And The Riddle Orchestra– I’m Dickens, He’s Fenster
N8 Tribal Fops*– Blue Porkchops
N9 Bill Noland– Helen Does A Waltz
N10 Foundation Boo– X-Land
1981 December Compilation
O1 Pat Delaney, Dennis Duck, Joseph T. Jacobs, Kevin Laffey, Tom Recchion, Fredrik Nilsen– The East Is Red
O2 Joseph T. Jacobs, Kevin Laffey, Rick Potts, Fredrik Nilsen– Zanoni
O3 Joseph T. Jacobs, Kevin Laffey, Rick Potts, Fredrik Nilsen– The Reign Of Terror
O4 Bill Noland & Kate Duba-Noland– ABC
O5 Rick Potts & Fredrik Nilsen– Mecca Canal
O6 Jack Palance– Chato’s Land
O7 Kevin Laffey– In Düsseldorf
O8 Harold Schroeder, Dennis Duck, Juan Gomez, Tom Recchion– Silent Rituals
O9 Jad Fair & Tom Recchion w/ Kevin Laffey, Fredrik Nilsen– Untitled
O10 Monique*– Watching The Night/Elle Est Fantastique
P1 Blue Myth & The Gibson Brothers (3)– Untitled
P2 Doo-Dooettes– Theme From Zombie
P3 Alterations– Live At The Moers Jazz Festival
P4 Holger Hiller And Fredrik Nilsen– Untitled
P5 Rick Potts And Fredrik Nilsen– Znod
P6 Fredrik Nilsen– Dear Dennis Duck
P7 Doo-Dooettes– Live At The Music Center
P8 Foundation Boo– Another Hairball
Freak Show
Q1 Tom Recchion– The Real Strungaphone
Q2 Tom Recchion– Gun Shine
Q3 Tom Recchion– Walk Through Walls
R1 Tom Recchion– Love Was Pain
R2 Tom Recchion– Freak Show
R3 Tom Recchion– The Four People
R4 Tom Recchion– Piece #1
R5 Tom Recchion– Piece #2
R6 Tom Recchion– Piece #3
R7 Tom Recchion– Piece #4
R8 Tom Recchion– Piece #5
Dinosaurs With Horns
S1 Dinosaurs With Horns– Dinosaurs With Horns
S2 Dinosaurs With Horns– Merge
S3 Dinosaurs With Horns– Totally Gone
S4 Dinosaurs With Horns– Sabertine’s Country
S5 Dinosaurs With Horns– Interesting Jewelry
S6 Dinosaurs With Horns– Do It Now!
S7 Dinosaurs With Horns– Ginky's Lament
T1 Dinosaurs With Horns– Shillelagh
T2 Dinosaurs With Horns– Absinthe
T3 Dinosaurs With Horns– Magic Fingers
T4 Dinosaurs With Horns– Deep
T5 Dinosaurs With Horns– Walking Lady
T6 Dinosaurs With Horns– Bats
T7 Dinosaurs With Horns– Menehune
Music From Norway
U1 Fredrik Nilsen– Insecticide: A Philosophic Didactic
U2 Fredrik Nilsen– Hardcore Part I
U3 Fredrik Nilsen– Hardcore Part II
U4 Fredrik Nilsen– Hardcore Part III
U5 Fredrik Nilsen– Hardcore Part IV
U6 Fredrik Nilsen– Hardcore Part V
U7 Fredrik Nilsen– My Cousin's Bees
V1 Fredrik Nilsen– It's Coming
V2 Fredrik Nilsen– Boy...
V3 Fredrik Nilsen– Guerra
Archive Recordings
W1 The Two Who Do Duets– 4th Floor
W2 Le Forte Four– Chinese New Years
W3 Doo-Dooettes– First Performance/Spaghetti Works January 30, 1976
W4 Doo-Dooettes– Arroyo Ritual
W5 LAFMS*– Telethon Returns Puckish In His Robes
W6 LAFMS Marching Band*– Doo-Dah Parade 78/79
X1 Le Forte Four– Green & Backwards
X2 Le Forte Four– Rock Hard Soufflé
X3 Ford*, Rioux* & Duck*– Bob Pfaucht's First Acid Trep
X4 Gomez*, Wiley*, Cutler*, Clark*– Aku, Aku Aku
X5 Gomez*, Wiley*, Cutler*, Clark*– Are You One Of Them
X6 Gomez*, Wiley*, Cutler*, Clark*– Blaack Milk
X7 R* & F*– Spleen
X8 John Duncan– Night
Y1 Fred* And Tom*– Loops From Loop Day
Y2 Fredrik Nilsen– Solo For X-String #1
Y3 Hal*, Duce*, Fredrik*, Juan*, Dennis*– Opening The Wrong Door
Y4 Tom* & Dennis*– Hey Ho!!!
Y5 The Monique Experience*– Di-E
Y6 The Monique Experience*– Someone's In The Bathroom
Y7 Rick Potts– How Vile Is My Greeny? Part One
Y8 Rick Potts– How Vile Is My Greeny? Part Two
Y9 Los Angeles Free Music Society– Tom Recchion Gets A Noise Ticket On The Evening News
Z1 Dinosaurs With Horns– Tap Right
Z2 Dinosaurs With Horns– Hole
Z3 El Trio Primero– 13th Floor
Z4 Foundation Boo– Prehistoric Landscape
Z5 Gerald Bole– All I Ask Is To Be Left Alone
Z6 Gerald Bole– I Have Nothing To Give
Z7 Gerald Bole– You Ruined My Life
Bonus 7''
AA Joe Potts– Journey To The Solid Core
BB Tom Recchion– Homemade Instruments