Entirely unique blend of traditional Hungarian Nepzene music steeped in and reimagined through crisp electronic production with Márta Sebestyén and Szörényi Levente Szerelmeslemez LP. This one follows the Jeles Napok LP that came a year earlier and they're easily mixed up as both carry this incredible nativity style cover, although this one pulls off the marriage of old and new much more successfully. The drum machines and synths are sparse, providing a perfect base for centuries-old folk singing of Sebestyen and dancing flute harmonies resulting in this singular electo-ethno-folk. Its equally familiar and unusual to the western-ear, highly recommended, increasingly hard to find :(. (Vinyl & Sleeve NM).
A1 Segélj El Uramisten A2 Hegyen-Völgyön A3 Kimegyek Az Útra A4 Haj Révész A5 Szerelem, Szerelem B1 Tavasz, Tavasz B2 Kata B3 Zugadoz Az Erdő B4 András B5 Este Lett