腥身保育器≒Nov Embudagonn 108 Hypnodelia And Therrorpyec So-wound System Warchestra – 戦隊Slugmasterによる腥體損傷型SCUMTh'ERROR'PY
腥身保育器≒Nov Embudagonn 108 Hypnodelia And Therrorpyec So-wound System Warchestra – 戦隊Slugmasterによる腥體損傷型SCUMTh'ERROR'PY

腥身保育器≒Nov Embudagonn 108 Hypnodelia And Therrorpyec So-wound System Warchestra – 戦隊Slugmasterによる腥體損傷型SCUMTh'ERROR'PY

Regular price £84.00 Sale

Label: Art Into Life – AIL033, Kodanuki Press – AIL033
Format: 3 x Vinyl, LP, Album, Limited Edition
Cassette, Album, Limited Edition
Country: Japan
Released: May 2024
Genre: Electronic
Style: Experimental, Abstract

Own words soon.. (Mint / New)

"Artist Wataru Kasahara originally hoisted the standard for destructive “th’error’py” back in the 1980s and since then he has continued to create both art and music, with Art into Life releasing an album under his Radio Embudagonn moniker in 2013. This current release is a sprawling tapestry documenting the story of the battles between the monstrous Squadron Slugmaster and a mysterious organisation called International Ill-Shaker. Kasahara began recording this work in 1986 and only completed it in 2016, a genesis of thirty years. This masterwork progresses through instability, as studio talk, readings and narration intermingle with insane and comical noise. It is designed around an extendable concept so listeners can bring new layers of evolution to the work.

The handmade packaging has been specially designed so the jacket will gradually deteriorate during transit, creating slowly morphing forms. The set comes with a cassette containing the tracks that wouldn’t fit on the LPs, a 16-page book containing illustrations of the main characters, and an additional 3-page insert describing the work in detail. Limited to 200 sets, physical-only release.
■NB: Please note that parts of the jacket are deliberately damaged and that the insert may contain folds. These are all part of the overall concept of the work.■"

Vinyl-A イントロ~スタジオトーク(2014)~セレナーデ(1984)~スタジオトーク(2014)~愛の磔ヘパトマンジー(1985)~スタジオトーク(2014)~実験室のツギハギ電磁蛾(1985,87)
Vinyl-B スタジオトーク(2014)~爆弾少女のセレナーデ(1985)~スタジオトーク(2014)~黄金の蛆蟲達V.S.戦艦ロブスターローズ731(1987,88)
Vinyl-C スタジオトーク(2014)~血膿の漣〈第三のヒーロー誕生〉(1985)~スタジオトーク(1984)~正義の環形ヒーロー・薔薇肝ヒクタマンの臓器(1988,91)
Vinyl-D スタジオトーク(2014)~ミサ卵巣嚢腫(1984,85,91)~スタジオトーク(2014)~赤い靴・テープ剖検(1984,85)~スタジオトーク(2014)~アウトロ〈蒼空の瘡蓋〉(2014+1985)
Vinyl-E 戦隊スラッグマスター(2010)/アンタの彼女の(2009)/スカウト(2010)/爆弾少女の残り滓(1984,2001,2010)/排泄専用プッシーちゃん(2014)/戦闘のもつれ(1984,94,97)/爆弾少女の記憶の底(2014)
Vinyl-F 告白(2014)/改造システムの暴走(1985)/ロゴスのダッチワイフ(2010)/薔薇肝ヒクタマン参上(2015)/戦艦ロブスターローズ731(1986,87)/Message(2015)
Cassette-A-1 I.ヒトハダ国際 Brain Tumor.
Cassette-A-2 人間爆弾の製造
Cassette-B-1 実験室のラジオの中で白痴の小鳥が子育て中
Cassette-B-2 蝿将軍、ピアノの練習
Cassette-B-3 ささやくはらわた